We cannot imagine living without our wall heaters especially in cold climates. But for that also we have to take care of how much propane has to be filled in the tanks of our heaters since its important to have enough gas in the tanks for getting the proper cozy feeling through our heaters.

So the question lay here is that how much amount of propane does our wall heater contain? Well, there is no particular answer to this question because there are various factors that are to be looked upon. Here below we have explained these different factors and how they affect the amount of propane to be used.

1. Consumption time

The most important factor to know how much propane is to be used is to check for how much time it is used. If the direct consumption of the gas heater increases whether the person is present at the place of the heater or not the consumption of propane increases directly.1 gallons of propane which is about 4.2lbs by weight contains 92,000 BTU unit of propane and a heater consume about 30,000 units in an average which tells the one gallon of propane can be consumed in 3 hours.

Likely one can calculate their heater’s propane need just by having knowledge of BTU level of their heater. They just have to check by how much time more the 1 gallon BTU level is and then multiplying them with the number of hours they think they will use the heater.

2. Place

The place is one of the factors that affect the amount of propane used. Because if the place is cooler then the heater will be used for much longer duration hence increasing the amount of propane used there.

      Places        Avg.Temp
Hawaii70 F
Georgia63.5 F
Florida71 F
California59.7 F
Delaware55.3 F
Alaska26.1 F
Colorado45.1 F
Above table shows avg. temp. in the US in various areas

As we can see from the table according to the different directions the whole country has some variations in their average temperature here in the north(Alaska) the temperature is lower so the average consumption of heater increases here. And the temperature near cent and north is slightly high in comparison to the north and even higher in the south-west and some portions of south-east other than that the temperature is highest in the south(Hawaii, Florida) here slightly reducing the use time of heater and also decreasing the propane consumption.

 3. Area

As the area of your place will increases the consumption of propane will be increased since the heater will have to warm up a much greater area.

          Area       Amount (gallon)
 2000 >5000 tankers

As we have seen above as the area of a place will be around 1100-1800 sq.feet a 27,000-45000 BTU heater must be used which must have around 120-180 gallon of propane monthly if the range of the area is slightly high from 1500-2500 sq.feet a 30,000-54,000 BTU heater must be used which needs 130- 150 gallon of propane must be used and if the area further increases to a level of commercial place the tankers of 5000 gallons and above amount must be used. The amount is increased here drastically since in a workplace the duration of consumption is much higher and continuous.

4. BTU level

One should fill the container with propane in the ratio of the BTU level of their gas wall heater to the 1 gallon contained propane BTU level. If the level of the ratio is higher the amount of propane to be used will be lower and vice-versa.


The conclusion of this research is that the most important factor to know how much propane is to be used is the time of consumption. One should calculate the amount to be used by seeing how many times more the BTU level of per gallon is more and multiply it by the number of hours it is to be used.

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