how long does a tankless water heater last

Tankless water heaters are a popular option for homeowners. They provide endless hot water, which can be especially important in urban and suburban areas where the demand for hot water is high. While you may be considering getting one, here is a question to ponder: how long does a tankless water heater last?

A tankless water heater can last up to 20 years or even more when properly maintained. Tankless water heaters are more reliable than tanked water heaters, which means they’re less likely to break down and need replacement parts.

How Do Tankless Water Heaters Work?

The tankless water heater uses a heat exchanger to heat the water as it passes through. This system works because the cold water enters first, then travels through an area where it’s heated by the heat exchanger on its way out. The temperature of your shower or bath will depend on how much hot water is flowing out of them at any given time.

What Affects the Lifespan of a Tankless Water Heater

There are many things that can affect the lifespan of a tankless water heater. And before you install one in your home, here is what you need to know: 

Quality of water entering your heater 

Water quality is also a significant factor to consider. Hard water is tough on appliances and plumbing systems, and the tankless water heater is not spared. Another way that water quality affects your tankless heater’s lifespan is through the presence of impurities in your water that can lead to corrosion within the system.

The physical location of the heater 

Another critical factor to consider is where the tankless water heater will be installed. Depending on the location of your tankless water heater can have a significant impact on its lifespan. For example, if you install your tankless heater in a garage, then you may need to replace it sooner than expected.

It’s best to install your heater in a location where there’s less chance of damage from debris that could clog up the air filter of an indoor system and cause problems with or performance overall. 

Frequency of use

The more frequently you use your tankless water heater, the sooner it will reach the end of its life expectancy. If you use your tankless water heater every day and have a large family or guests on a regular basis, consider purchasing an extra-large model to ensure that you have enough hot water for everyone. The number of people in your household and how often you use the hot water will impact how much wear and tear is on your system.

Maintenance culture

You should service your tankless water heater on a regular basis to ensure that it continues to run at its best. Most manufacturers recommend servicing the unit every 12 months, but if you use the heater frequently or live in an area with hard water, then you may need to service it more often.

It’s essential to pay attention to how often you service your tankless water heater because neglecting this maintenance could mean that problems go undetected and lead to more significant issues down the road.

If you don’t want to do it yourself, you can hire a professional technician to perform the service for you. A professional service call typically costs between $100 and $300, depending on the company, location, and other factors.

Adherence to the manufacturer’s guide

The manufacturer of your tankless water heater will surely have some advice on keeping it running at peak performance. Take heed because if you don’t, there are signs that will tell you when it’s time for service or replacement.

For instance, if your gas tankless water heater is constantly tripping its circuit breaker, you might have a faulty thermostat or an exhaust vent clogged with debris. If the pilot light on your electric unit keeps going out, there could be problems with gas pressure or liquid line leakages.

Why You Should Use a Tankless Water Heater

As a homeowner, there are many reasons why you should consider installing a tankless water heater.

Supply of hot water when needed

Tankless water heaters effectively save money on your monthly utility bills because they provide you with endless hot water. A tankless water heater is more expensive than a storage tank-type system, but it’s also more reliable and efficient.

Rather than storing heated water in a tank for later use, a tankless heater heats the water as it flows through the pipes to your home faucet or appliance. It brings hot water to your devices quickly and never runs out.

Energy efficient

A tank water heater stores gallons of heated water and is ready for use. To do this, the system must continually heat and reheat the water. This process could be more energy efficient and can drive up your energy costs.

Tankless water heaters, on the other hand, are more energy efficient than tank water heaters because they only heat up when you need them. This translates to a much lower energy usage than with a traditional system.

Not bulky

The absence of tanks means your entire tankless water heating unit is less bulky than its traditional counterpart. The tankless water heater has gained popularity because it works well and saves space. The technology behind tankless heaters eliminates the need for bulky storage tanks.

Longer product life

Tankless water heaters have a longer lifespan than storage tank water heaters. Tankless heaters are more energy efficient, compact, and reliable than storage tank units. A standard water heater often lasts for about 8-12 years with proper maintenance. Still, a tankless water heater can last as long as 25 years.


A tankless water heater is an excellent way to get the hot water you need without wasting energy on heating large quantities of cold water. They are easy to install, quiet, and offer a lot of other benefits as well. Most experts agree that tankless heaters can last between 20-25 years if properly maintained.

However, even though a tankless water heater may be a good choice for your home, many other factors decide which type will work best for you and your family.


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